Twobytwo Architecture Studio
Architecture x Interior design x Landscape design
Residential x Commercial
Licensed to practice with the AIBC
Located in Vancouver, British Columbia
a big renovation for a new quaint cafe
bringing architectural intrigue to an island restaurant
a full residential renovation
renovation of a unique heritage home
simple living in golden, bc
infill fast-track design
vancouver r1-1 zoning infill concept
a long and low residence in the prairie style
an efficient home in nelson, bc
an off-grid home in golden, bc
weathering steel shed in kamloops, bc
an investigation into the design of remote living
a naturalized landscape garden in kamloops, bc
tasteful renovation of a vancouver condo
a contextual restaurant design experience
a space to reflect, repose and recover
a fully accessible pacific coast community rowhouse
a community rowhouse sitatued on the pacific ocean coastline
concept for a cabin in the city
lost spaces: an ideas competition sited in the City of Calgary and hosted by DTalks.
loft renovation in calgary
a general store in mission
a boutique retail store supporting local designers
a fresh concept store in Inglewood
wreck city: a collection of artist installations in a building slated for demolition